Studies for National Heritage

Curators-restorers resort to scientific laboratory analyses during many historical monument restoration projects.  
The aim is generally to reveal the original decoration, identify the various phases in the work, and the nature of earlier restorations, or even understand the origins of visible deterioration, prior to implementing conservation-restoration protocols. 
Thanks to long experience in this field and fruitful working relationships, MSMAP laboratory has acquired detailed knowledge of the various techniques used during different periods and developed an efficient scientific method for providing restorers with precious information.  
This method is based on a scientific approach, including: Characterization of the materials - Analysis of the weathering - Art history and techniques.  
The analysis methods are chosen to suit the specific case and the level of accuracy required. As each study is unique, we work closely with our clients to answer their questions in as much detail as possible. 

Some studies
Saint-Maurice d’Angers Cathedral:  
Study of the 12th and 17th century polychromies, study of old restoration materials 

Chartres Cathedral:
Study of organ case polychromies, 16th, 17th, 19th century 
Study of a stone altarpiece polychromies, 15th – 16th centuries 
Study of the Chapter House polychromies 

Sainte-Foy de Conques:
Study of the tympanum polychromy of the Abbey Church 

Cadillac Castle:
Study of the “cabinet des Moresques” ceiling and walls panelling polychromy 

Palace of Versailles
Study of polychromy, textile supports and pargets from the “salon de l’Abondance”, “Salon d’Apollon” and “Salon de la Paix” ceilings 
Study of stucco from the “Façades du Grand Commun” 
Study of gilding and polychromies of lead sculptures from the “bassin des Enfants dorés” 
Study of the polychromy of the bow of Marie-Antoinette's promenade canoe

Louvre Palace:
Study of the polychromy of the ceiling of the "Salle de Diane"

Chantilly Castle:
Study of the painted and gilded decorations from the “Petite Singerie”, study of paintings from the “Jeu de Paume” room
Study of the “Cour des Remises des Grandes Écuries” doors and windows paintings, study of polychrome stucco and reliefs from the “Grandes Écuries” 
Study of polychrome samples from the “Grilles d’honneur” 

Rambouillet Castle:
Study of painted stucco, of coating and painted coatings from the “salon Louis XV”

Amiens Castle :
Study of the polychromy of wall paintings

BNF Richelieu:
Study of the frieze of the Chamber of Mazarin
Study of the frescoes in the Mazarine Gallery

Chambord Castle:
Study of the paintings of the external joineries

Case studies
Polychromie sur sculpture - Notre Dame du Cros
Étude du plafond du salon d'Apollon à Versailles
Étude des fresques du chœur de l'église Saint-Louis à Rouvroy réalisées par Henri Marret
Polychromie du portail occidental - Cathédrale d'Angers - Summary
Copper alloys
Wood and other organic materials
Artwork and archaeological objects analysis