Private and institutional clients trust the Laboratory MSMAP, including:
Art galeries
Galerie Mermoz - Precolumbian Art, Galerie Furstenberg - Precolumbian Art, Galerie Eberwein - Egyptian Arts, Galerie Gisèle Croës - Asian Art, Galerie Applikat Prazan - Mondern and Contemporary Art, Galerie Antoine Laurentin - Mondern and Contemporary Art, Galerie David Ghezelbash - Ancient Art, Galerie La reine Margot - Ancient Art, Wui Po Kok Antique - Asian Art, Phoenix Ancient Art - Ancient art, Galerie Meyer Oceanic & Eskimo art - Ancient art and tribal Art, Grusenmeyer Woliner - Asian Art, Galerie Zacke - Asian Art, Albion art - Jewellery
Auction houses, Auctionneers and Experts
Binoche et Giquello, Pierre Bergé et associés, Sotheby's France, Christies France, Delorme & Collin du Bocage, Aspa Expertise, S.V.V EVE, Millon et Associés, Fraysse et Associés, Artcurial, Hôtel des Ventes de Monte-Carlo, Sirs Santo Micali, Jacques Blazy, Jean-Christophe Argillet ...
Historic Monuments Commissionners and Chief Architects
DRAC Aquitaine, DRAC Centre, DRAC Midi-Pyrennées, Pierre-Antoine Gatier ACMH, Mester de Paradj ACMH, Philippe Villeneuve ACMH
Public Establishments, Foundations
Etablissement public du Château de Versailles, Fondation pour la sauvegarde et le développement du Domaine de Chantilly, Mobilier National, Centre des Monuments Historiques, Palais Princier de Monaco, Domaine national de Chambord
Rosalie Godin - Conservation Restoration of wall paintings
Rebeca Zea - Conservation Restoration of graphics documents
Florence Adam - Conservation Restoration of easel paintings
Xavier Beugnot - Conservation Restoration of paintings
Marie-Ange Laudet Kraft - Conservation Restoration of easel paintings
Claire Dandrel - Conservation Restoration of wall paintings
Marie Dubost - Gilder, Restoration of gilded wood
Hervé Langlois - Conservation Restoration of wall paintings, polychrome and gilded wood
David Cottier-Angeli - Restoration of metals - Geneva
Catherine Nicolas - Lacquerer, Creation, Restoration
Sébastien Evain - Restoration of ancient furniture
IACC - Institut d'Art Conservation et Couleur - Restoration of easel paintings
Isabelle Rolet - Conservation Restoration of wall paintings
Alix Laveau - Arts Conservation International - Conservation Restoration of wall and easel paintings
Alina Moskalik-Detalle - Restoration of wall paintings
Catherine Polnecq - Restoration of easel paintings
Precolumbian antiquities
Recherche de critères d'ancienneté de sculptures précolombiennes en pierre
Authentication of a Maya statue in polychrome stucco: Le Figaro, Sud-Ouest, Le Point, Le Parisien, Libération et Le Monde
Asian Antiquities
Study of a bronze vessel of the Duei type, inlaid with gold and silver (Warring States)
Pigment analysis of Han pottery jar, Fanghu
A pale blue fritted ceramic gobelet
The patina of chinese bronzes a high tin content
Egyptian Antiquities
L'affaire de la statue Senostris III
Europeen Archaeology
Le calice de Belmont-sur-Lausane
La couleur de l'argent. Une enquête archéométrique autour des poteries à placage